Americans With Disabilities Act Statement

In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), El Paso County (“County”) will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in the County’s services, programs, or activities. You can find PDF copies of our ADA Notice, Grievance Procedures and Request for Accommodation or Barrier Removal below.

If you feel that you have been unable to access El Paso County government because of an accessibility issue, or have been discriminated against based on your disability, please fill out the ADA Grievance Form or Request for Accommodation form and submit to our office. Your request or complaint will be investigated, and you will be contacted with the results, or how to further proceed.

These forms and processes are designed to provide you with the opportunity to quickly and effectively resolve any issue(s) as they relate to El Paso County and the ADA.

El Paso County Digital Accessibility Page

To view the El Paso County Digital Accessibility Statement please visit the Digital Accessibility page.

El Paso County ADA Transition Plan 2019

El Paso County developed, approved and adopted an ADA Transition Plan (Plan). The Plan was advertised in a news release on October 24, 2019, soliciting public review and comment. Citizens had a 30-day comment period beginning October 25, 2019 to provide feedback to the County at The draft form of the Plan was presented at the Board of County Commissioners work session on October 24, 2019 and then approved and adopted December 19, 2019 on Resolution 19-472.

The Transition Plan was developed by El Paso County’s ADA division in compliance with the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504) requirements as defined by related regulations. Updates to the 2019 Transition Plan, Quarterly updates to the Summary of Open Barrier Findings with expected current year and future period corrections are hyperlinked for public view.

“As mentioned in Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, all state and local governments are required to adopt a Transition Plan,” said Brian Olson, Director of Facilities and Strategic Infrastructure. “As we are compelled by law to do so, we are driven to meet the needs for our County citizens, to include those in the disabled community.”

“El Paso County is committed to full and equal opportunity for all its citizens, including individuals with disabilities,” said Vince Maciunskas, Infrastructure Project Manager. “The County recognizes that its community’s continued vitality, strength and vibrancy results from the valuable contributions from the entire community.”

Site Accessibility Evaluations

The Site Accessibility Evaluations listed below are links to barrier evaluation reports produced by El Paso County’s ADA Division. The reports identify barriers detected during evaluations of infrastructure which provide county programs, services and activities. The listed barriers require correction unless otherwise noted as corrected, or technically infeasible to correct due to pre-existing conditions.