El Paso County will officially open its third dog park in the County park system at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 13, with the grand opening ceremony for Falcon Dog Park.
Located within Falcon Regional Park, the new dog park has 10 acres of fully-fenced land for off-leash dog activities. The dog park includes a separate two-acre area for small dogs. While the dogs are at play, dog owners have access to benches, picnic tables, message boards, trash receptacles and dog waste bag dispensers. There are also walking loops inside the dog park.
The dog park was funded by a $45,000 grant from Great Outdoors Colorado. The County’s local match was $13,500. Eastern Plains Chamber of Commerce donated $1,500.
Falcon Dog Park has its own entrance off of Eastonville Road and lies approximately 1,000 feet north of the baseball fields.
Guest speakers for the opening ceremony are Mark Waller, Chair of the Board of El Paso County Commissioners, State Senator Paul Lundeen, State Representative Tim Geitner and Warren Dean, GOCO board member. Also participating in the ceremony will be staff from Tender Care Veterinary Center, which serves as the Partner in the Park for Falcon Dog Park.
Falcon Regional Park covers 215 acres and includes active recreation areas, baseball fields and open space. The park site is located east of the Meridian Ranch Development, adjacent with Eastonville Road, and north of Falcon High School.
For more information on the opening ceremony contact Dana Nordstrom at 719-520-6983 or at DanaNordstrom@elpasoco.com.