Created as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Opportunity Zones (OZ) are a federal tax incentive designed to incentivize investors to reinvest capital gains in economically distressed communities, thereby stimulating economic development and job creation. There are eight federally designated Opportunity Zones in the Pikes Peak region. Investors will be able to defer, reduce, and potentially eliminate certain federal capital gains taxes by investing their capital gains into Qualified Opportunity Funds.


No up-front tax bill on the rolled-over capital gain and investors can defer their original tax bill until the earlier of a) December 31, 2026, or b) the sale of the Opportunity Zone investment.


Reduction of tax on the rolled-over capital gain investment for long-term holding. A 5-year holding increases the rolled-over capital gains basis by 10%, and a 7-year holding increases the rolled-over capital gain investment basis 5%, for a total of 15%.

Tax-Free Appreciation

If an Opportunity Fund investment is held for ten years, the taxpayer pays no capital gains tax on the appreciation.


The gBETA Opportunity Zone Capital Accelerator Program is open to all businesses interested in maximizing investment in Opportunity Zones to spur economic growth and job creation.

Federal Opportunity Zone Flyer 2024
Federal Opportunity Zone Flyer 2024
Opportunity Zones: Final Regulations Issued December 19, 2019
Federal Opportunity Zones Map

Contact Us

Crystal LaTier
Economic Development Executive Director
9 E. Vermijo Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Katie Plutz
Economic Development Analyst
9 E. Vermijo Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903