Academy Heights Project

An Innovative Solution for Housing Needs

The El Paso County Housing Authority was established in 1993 by the Board of County Commissioners to promote suitable living environments for all persons and families. Funding is available through the finite resources of the Housing Trust Fund. No local, state or federal tax dollars are utilized. Funding is available in the form of loans or the direct purchase of services for which no repayment is required, but loans are preferred. Because the Housing Trust Fund is internally self-sustained, it is imperative to revolve the funds so that more residents are assisted in the future.


The El Paso County Housing Authority provides funding to agencies with experience in the design and administration of innovative programs that address the housing needs in El Paso County.

Programs/projects may include, but would not be limited to, the following:

  • Development of new, affordable, accessible housing units (high priority)
  • Preservation of existing, affordable, accessible housing units (high priority)
  • Initial homeownership
  • Homelessness
  • Special needs housing
  • Housing Rehabilitation
Housing Trust Fund Flyer 2024
Housing Trust Fund Flyer 2024

How Does an Agency Apply?

Applications are accepted on a semi annual basis – deadlines are May 1 and November 1.

All HTF applications will be reviewed at the May and November EPCHA meetings.

Click here to download the application!

Click here to see our frequently asked questions.

Housing Trust Fund Technical Assistance Webinar

EPCHA holds a webinar before every submission deadline to learn about the application requirements and to receive technical assistance. The most recent webinar was held Thursday, April 11 at 2 PM; click the video to view the recording.

The next webinar will be held in October 2024.

For more information about the Housing Trust Fund, contact:

Randi Davis
Community Development Analyst
9 E. Vermijo Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
719 520 6481

Subscribe to the mailing list for Housing Trust Fund updates!

Crystal LaTier
Executive Director
9 E. Vermijo Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
719 520 6484