The Board of El Paso County Commissioners established a centralized Purchasing Department in 1978. We are responsible for procuring County supplies, services, and equipment at the lowest possible cost consistent with the quality necessary to meet the County’s needs and to ensure that the taxpayers receive the maximum value for each tax dollar spent. As a political subdivision of the State of Colorado, we work under the procurement code of the Colorado Revised Statutes.
El Paso County Contracts & Procurement
El Paso County Contracts & Procurement
15 E. Vermijo Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Phone: 719-520-6390
Fax: 719-520-6730

It is the policy of the Contracts and Procurement Division of El Paso County to provide procedures that are open, unrestricted and fair to all vendors, contractors, and service firms. The bid policies adopted by the El Paso County Commissioners and enforced by the Contracts and Procurement Division have been designed to:
- Promote and encourage ethical management and efficiency in County procurement.
- Encourage maximum competition from vendors on a basis of fair and equal bidding opportunities.
- Allow Contracts and Procurement Division personnel to perform their duties impartially so as to assure fair and competitive access to the County’s bid requirements by all interested vendors.
- Maintain integrity and credibility in all phases of the procurement effort.
- Ensure that expenditure of public funds (including Federal, State and Grant funds) complies with the terms and conditions of the funding source.
Doing Business with El Paso County
In an effort to improve efficiency, El Paso County is using the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System for soliciting bids from vendors. It’s easy to participate in future bid opportunities — simply register online.
To register, visit and use the “Vendor Registration” link and complete your registration.
If you are currently registered as a Vendor on this system with another local agency, you do not need to register again. If you need help registering, please call the support department at BidNet toll free 1-800-835-4603.
A Vendor may be suspended from doing business with the County in the event an action by the vendor is considered to be contrary to the best interest of the County. Examples include:
- Failure to deliver merchandise or perform services.
- Failure to meet a delivery or completion date.
- Failure to maintain a quoted price for goods or services
- Evidence of collusion with other bidders on prices for a County bid.
- Failure to complete any order or project awarded as a result of formal or informal bid or proposal.
- Failure to honor warranties on products delivered or services performed.
- Submitting false or misleading information on the Vendor Application form.
- Any violation of Federal, State, City or County laws, regulations, or ordinances.
The Contracts and Procurement Division is authorized by policy to join with other units of government in cooperative procurement. Competitive solicitations received by other governmental agencies may be considered the equivalent of solicitations received by the County and used as the basis for purchasing by the County.
- Colorado Multiple Assembly of Procurement
- NIGP – The Institute for Public Procurement
- RMPGA – Rocky Mountain Governmental Purchasing Association
- Cooperative Educational Purchasing Council
- CDOT Cooperative Purchasing Agreements
- Colorado State Purchasing Office
- Omnia
- NASPO Valuepoint
- Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing
- Houston-Galveston Area Council
- GSA Schedule 70
- National Purchasing Partners Government (NPPGov)
- Home Depot