El Paso County CDBG Objectives and Goals

All CDBG projects must be eligible under one of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s National Objectives. Additionally, CDBG projects must meet one or more of the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan Goals which are re-evaluated every five years. To ensure these federal funds are used effectively and efficiently within our jurisdiction, El Paso County Economic Development thoughtfully, strategically, and collaboratively completes several long-term, short-term, and final performance evaluation reports which are shared publicly.

Dark blue mountain outline that is used as a visual page break.

2022-2026 Consolidated Plan Goals for El Paso County CDBG

Housing Goals

H1 Housing

Improve access to transportation services and infrastructure, remove impediments to mobility, and increase access to opportunities.

H2 Housing

Rehabilitation of pre-existing housing inventory to increase affordable, accessible housing choices.

H3 Housing

Increase fair housing education, outreach, and enforcement.

Homelessness and Special Needs Goals

HM1 Homelessness

Assist in ensuring that homelessness is brief, rare, and non-recurring.

SN1 Special Needs

Help special needs residents obtain housing and remain housed while living independently as they choose.

SN2 Special Needs

Reduce accessibility barriers (ADA compliance).

SN3 Special Needs

Provide for and improve access to services to stabilize living situations and enhance quality of life, particularly for seniors, youth, and special needs populations.

Community Development Goals

CD1 Community Development

Improve infrastructure to foster accessible and livable neighborhoods and improve access to public amenities.

CD2 Community Development

Develop or improve facilities that provide services to low- to moderate income residents and special needs populations.

CD3 Community Development

Expand economic opportunities for low- to moderate income residents.


HUD National Objectives for CDBG

CDBG HUD Objectives
CDBG HUD Objectives

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has outlined three clear objectives for the Community Development Block Grant program. Every project funded with CDBG funds must accomplish one of the three following objectives:

  • Address an urgent need
  • Mitigate slum or blight conditions
  • Benefit persons of low-to-moderate income

A visual breakdown of these objectives is presented.

CDBG Plans and Reports

Additional historical reports are available upon request.
CDBG Flyer 2024
CDBG Flyer 2024

Contact Us

Luke Houser
Community Development Analyst
9 E. Vermijo Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903