**The due date for this solicitation has passed**

Construction of the Calhan Highway Bridge Replacement Project

Solicitation #
Public Works
Open Date:
Due Date:
3:00 PM MDT
Award Date:
Awarded to Hudick Excavating Inc dba HEI Civil for $2,783,131
IFB 23-036 Construction of the Calhan Highway Bridge Replacement Project


23-036 Notice of Final Payment
Notice of Intent to Award 23-036
Final Award Notice
23-036 Submittal Log
01. Calhan Hwy Bid Form
02. Calhan Hwy Plans AD 2023.03.17
03. Calhan Hwy Project Special Provisions AD 3.17.2023
04. Calhan Hwy Standard Special Provisions AD 3.17.2023
05. Calhan Hwy ROW Plans
06. Calhan Hwy Geotechnical Report
07. Calhan Hwy Bridge QC Matls Testing Freq
08. Asbestos and Lead Paint Report EPC 0128-09.07
09. Demolition Permit Application 0128-09.07
10. Calhan Drainage Report
11. Calhan SWMP Checklist
12. Calhan GEC Checklist
13. Calhan ESQCP-Application-Form
14. 2022 Bridge Inspection Report EPC0129-09.07
15. CDOT Form 205 – Sublet Permit Application
16. CDOT Form 605 – Contractors Performance Capability Statement
17. CDOT Form 606 – Anti-Collusion Affidavit
18. CDOT Form 621 – Assignment of Antitrust Claims
19. CDOT Form 1337 – Contractor Commitment to Meet OJT Requirements
21. CDOT Form 1414 – Anticipated DBE Participation Plan
22. CDOT Form 1415 – Commitment Confirmation
23. CDOT Form 1416 – Good Faith Effort Report
24. CDOT Form 1418 – Monthly Payment Summary
25. CDOT Form 1419 – DBE Participation Report
26. CDOT Form 1420 – DBE Participation Plan Modification Request
27. CDOT Form 1425 – Supplier List
28. FHWA 1273 Federal Aid Contract Provisions for Construction Contracts (Exhibit I)
29. Additional Federal Requirements (Exhibit J)
30. FFATA Supplemental Federal Provisions (Exhibit K)
31. OMB Uniform Guidance for Federal Awards (Exhibit M)

Addendum 1

IFB 23-036 Addendum 1
Calhan Pre-Bid Meeting Notes
Pre-Bid Sign-in Sheet
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