Academy Heights Project
Academy Heights project utilized several developer resources.

Access to affordable housing has an impact on the health and vitality of our community. Planning and Financing for the project are critical from conception. Land use laws, zoning, and neighbor concerns affect location of affordable housing. The capital stack for financing an affordable housing project usually includes a conventional mortgage loan, tax credits, and several other sources of funds such as alternative financing or grants from public or private sources.

Our community already has many of the tools in place to create and preserve affordable housing. The organizations listed below are the best starting points to find the particular developer resources you need.

General Information

Access workshops and guides specifically for developers of affordable housing.

Planning Departments

Start the process by speaking with the correct planning department for your development.

Financing Sources

See what funding is out there to develop affordable housing and how to apply for it.

For more information, contact:

Randi Davis
Community Development Analyst
9 E. Vermijo Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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